
Look at this vocabulary list again before you start revising.

  • place card
    • noun - a card with someone's name on it, put at the place at a table where they will sit, especially at a formal meal ZNACZNIK MIEJSCA
  • bread plate
    • noun - a plate for bread TALERZYK NA PIECZYWO
  • butter knife
    • noun - a knife used to spread butter NÓŻ DO MASŁA
  • coffee cup/tea cup
    • noun - a cup for drinking tea or coffee FILIŻANKA
  • coffe saucer
    • noun - a small, curved plate that you put a cup on SPODECZEK
  • dessert spoon
    • noun - a medium-sized spoon, used especially for eating sweet food at the end of a meal ŁYŻECZKA DO DESERÓW
  • water goblet
    • noun - a container from which one can drink water KIELISZEK NA WODĘ
  • red wine glass
    • noun - a glass for the red wine KIELISZEK DO CZERWONEGO WINA
  • champagne flute
    • noun - a glass for drinking champagne KIELISZEK DO SZAMPANA
  • sherry glass
    • noun - a glass for drinking sherry KILEISZEK DO SHERRY
  • white wine glass
    • noun - a glass for drinking white wine KIELISZEK DO BIAŁEGO WINA



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This set describes cutlery and crockery used to set the table. You'll study names of various items located on a dining table