
Look at this vocabulary list again before you start revising.

  • brick
    • noun - A hard block, usually made out of clay, that’s used to build structures. CEGŁA What are the walls made out of? We used brick.
  • concrete
    • noun - This is the hard, grey material used to create floors and walls, among other things. It’s poured out in liquid form and then hardens. BETON We’ll pour the concrete foundation today.
  • drywall
    • noun - This is a board usually made from plaster that’s used to create the interior walls of a structure. PŁYTA KARTONOWO-GIPSOWA He ordered the drywall last month, but it hasn’t arrived yet, so we’re behind schedule.
  • beam
    • noun - A piece of wood, steel or other material that runs across the structure of a building to hold weight. BELKA We discovered cracks in this beam, which we need to address as soon as possible.
  • joist
    • noun - A supportive beam of wood or metal in a building. Usually it runs parallel to the ceiling or floor. LEGAR We’ll finish putting in the joists today and start on laying the floor tomorrow.
  • crane
    • noun - The tall machine that helps to lift heavy objects and materials to the upper floors of a building. DŹWIG Adam is operating the crane today.
  • bulldozer
    • noun - A machine with a large shovel attached that helps to dig holes and remove rocks from the ground. SPYCHACZ We’ll need the bulldozer to dig the foundation.
  • dump truck
    • noun - This is a large truck that has an open back, which can be filled with trash and debris. WYWROTKA The dump truck is full and needs to be emptied.
  • wheelbarrow
    • noun - A device used to move material such as rocks or soil from one place to another. It has one wheel on the front, so people can easily push it around. TACZKA She put the rocks into the wheelbarrow and took them to the other side of her house
  • lime
    • noun - a dry white powder consisting essentially of calcium hydroxide that is made by treating quicklime with water WAPNO



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In this set you're going to study materials and vehicles used at a construction site