Word List: finances


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  • financial records
    • noun - financial documents that are used to record and analyze the financial performance of a business KSIĘGI FINANSOWE
  • assets
    • noun - what a company owns; anything of value owned by a business. AKTYWA
  • liabilities
    • noun -what a company owes ZADŁUŻENIE
  • owner's equity
    • noun - The value of the business after liabilities are subtracted from assets; the value of the owner's investment in the business. KAPITAL WŁASNY
  • balance sheet
    • noun - A report that lists a company's assets, liabilities, and owner's equity at a specific point in time. BILANS
  • income statement
    • noun - A report of revenue, expenses, and net income or loss from operations for a specific period. RACHUNEK ZYSKÓW I STRAT
  • asset records
    • noun - identify the buildings and equipment owned by the business, their original and current value, and the amount owed if money was borrowed to purchase the assets. REKORDY AKTYWÓW
  • depreciation records
    • noun - identify the amount assets have decreased in value due to their age and use. REKORDY AMORTYZACJI
  • revenue
    • noun - is all income received by the business during the period. Sources of income include the sale of products and services, plus interest earned from investments. DOCHÓD
  • inventory records
    • noun - identify the type and quantity of resources and products on hand along with the current value of each. EWIDENCJA ZAPASÓW



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