Word List: running a company


Look at this vocabulary list again before you start revising.

  • workload
    • (noun) Amount of work or number of work units assigned to a particular resource over a given period It was a very heavy workload and I was very happy and my friend knew that we were going to succeed. NAKŁAD PRACY
  • premises
    • (noun) the land and buildings owned by someone, especially by a company or organization. The company is relocating to new premises. TEREN/LOKAL
  • a subsidiary
    • (noun) a company that is owned by a larger company. The company yesterday said its strategy is to grow subsidiary businesses for future sale. ODDZIAŁ/FILIA
  • performance
    • (noun) how successful an investment, company, etc. is and how much profit it makes. Last year saw a strong performance from the high-street retailer. WYNIKI
  • merge
    • (verb) to join together in order to make a larger company, organization, department, etc. The cable company announced plans to merge its advertising and sales operations. POŁACZYĆ/PRZEPROWADZIĆ FUZJĘ
  • department
    • (noun) one part of a large organization, such as a company or university, that deals with a particular area of work, business, study, etc. He runs the finance department. DZIAŁ
  • limited partnership
    • (noun) a company where only some of the partners have responsibility for its debts if it fails. The advantage of a limited partnership lies in various tax breaks. SPÓŁKA KOMANDYTOWA
  • joint-stock company
    • (noun) a business that is owned by the group of people who have shares in the company SPÓŁKA AKCYJNA
  • corporate image
    • (noun) the way in which a company is seen and understood by people in general. Management felt compelled to give the company's corporate image a facelift. WIZERUNEK FIRMY
  • corporate bond
    • (noun) a bond that is produced and sold by a company, or the official document relating to this. A lot more older people are investing in corporate bonds. OBLIGACJA KORPORACYJNA
  • associate
    • (noun) someone who is connected to another person as a business partner or companion Claire invited several business associates to dinner. PARTNER BIZNESOWY
  • the board
    • (noun) the group of people who are responsible for controlling and organizing a company or organization. Every decision has to be approved by the board (of directors). ZARZĄD



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