Word List: Investments


Look at this vocabulary list again before you start revising.

  • yield
    • (noun) the total amount of profit or income produced from a business or investment The bond's yield fell to 6.09%. STOPA ZWROTU
  • securities
    • (noun) a financial investment such as a bond or share that is traded on a financial market Investors who bought securities made up of subprime loans suffered the biggest losses. PAPIERY WARTOŚCIOWE
  • a broker
    • (noun) a person who buys and sells foreign money, shares in companies, etc., for other people I called my broker for advice about investing in the stock market. MAKLER/POŚREDNIK
  • a bond holder
    • (noun) a person or organization that owns an official paper given by the government or a company to show that you have lent them money that they will pay back to you. POSIADACZ OBLIGACJI
  • equity
    • (noun) the money value of a property or business after debts have been subtracted How much equity do you have in your company? KAPITAŁ
  • recover
    • (verb) to get back money you have spent, invested, or lost Airlines are imposing higher surcharges in an attempt to recover a percentage of the increase in fuel prices. ODZYSKAĆ/ODROBIĆ STRATĘ
  • flotation
    • (noun) an occasion when a company's shares are sold to the public for the first time The Glasgow-based company is to launch a stock market flotation this summer. WEJŚCIE FIRMY NA GIEŁDĘ
  • intermediary
    • (noun) a person or organization that makes business or financial arrangements between companies Global sourcing often creates additional intermediaries, such as foreign distributors, brokers, etc. POŚREDNIK
  • blue chip investment
    • (noun) relating to a large and successful company, whose shares are considered to be a good investment Blue-chip clients such as Rolls-Royce and Mercedes INWESTYCJA NISKIEGO RYZYKA
  • bull market
    • (noun) a period when the price of shares and other investments are higher than usual, and many people invest because they expect to earn large profits HOSSA
  • bear market
    • (noun) a period during which prices in a financial market are going down and a lot of people are selling shares BESSA



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In this set you're going to learn and revise money relating to investing money