Word List: management


Look at this vocabulary list again before you start revising.

  • superior
    • (noun) higher in rank or social position than others The soldier was reported to his superior officer for failing in his duties. PRZEŁOŻONY/ZWIERZCHNIK
  • subordinate
    • (noun) a person who has a less important position than you in an organization He left the routine checks to one of his subordinates. PODWŁADNY
  • line management
    • (noun) a situation in which managers are directly in charge of workers If you have good quality jobs with good line management, the other policies you have are more likely to be effective. ZARZĄDZANIE PIONOWE
  • disciplinary proceedings
    • (noun) a process for dealing with a worker who causes problems or does not obey company rules As part of normal disciplinary proceedings, employers will usually issue a formal warning first, either verbally or in writing. POSTĘPOWANIE DYSCYPLINARNE
  • performance-related pay
    • (noun) used to describe money that someone earns that is directly related to their success at doing their job Teachers have resisted the idea of performance-related pay. WYNAGRODZENIE UZALEŻNIONE OD WYDAJNOŚCI
  • contingency plan
    • (noun) a plan that is made for dealing with an emergency, or with something that might possibly happen and cause problems in the future The management stated that a contingency plan was in place for dealing with such emergencies. PLAN AWARYJNY
  • enhance
    • (verb) to improve the quality, amount, or value of something The convention is an opportunity to enhance your business knowledge and polish your networking skills. ULEPSZAĆ
  • CRM
    • (abbrev for customer relationship management) ways that a company can encourage customers to like it and buy from it ZARZĄDZANIE RELACJAMI Z KLIENTEM
  • hands-on
    • (adj) relating to or providing experience of something: On the course, the youth learn various job skills in a hands-on learning environment. PRAKTYCZNY/BEZPOŚREDNI
  • risk management
    • (noun) the job of deciding what possible financial risks are involved in a planned activity and how best to avoid or deal with them Elaine works in finance, in risk management. ZARZĄDZANIE RYZYKIEM
  • customize
    • (verb) to make or change something according to a customer's or user's particular needs Employees can customize the software to suit their needs. DOPASOWYWAĆ DO POTRZEB
  • facilitate
    • (verb) to help people deal with a process or reach an agreement or solution without getting directly involved in the process, discussion, etc. yourself An expert negotiator was brought in to facilitate the discussion. UŁATWIAĆ/USPRAWNIAĆ



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In this set you're going to learn and practise words relating to managing companies and employees.