Word List: HR


Look at this vocabulary list again before you start revising.

  • staff turnover
    • (noun) the rate at which employees leave a company and are replaced by new people The large number of temporary contracts resulted in a high turnover of staff. ROTACJA ZAŁOGI
  • fringe benefits
    • (noun) something that you get for working, in addition to your pay, that is not in the form of money Fringe benefits include a company car and free health insurance. ŚWIADCZENIA SOCJALNE
  • remuneration
    • (noun) payment for work or services They demanded adequate remuneration for their work. WYNAGRODZENIE
  • seniority
    • (noun) he advantage that you get by working for a company for a long time In future, promotion will be based on merit not seniority. LATA PRACY
  • redundancy
    • (noun) a situation in which someone loses their job because their employer does not need them The economic downturn has meant 10,000 redundancies in the Northeast. ZWOLNIENIE KOGOŚ
  • golden handshake
    • (noun) a usually large payment made to people when they leave their job, either when their employer has asked them to leave or when they are leaving at the end of their working life, as a reward for very long or good service in their job. ODPRAWA
  • sick pay
    • (noun) money paid to a worker who is not at work because they are ill He was off work for three months with no sick pay. ZASIŁEK CHOROBOWY
  • contributions
    • (noun) payments from a company or employee to pay for an employee's benefits such as medical insurance or a pension He should be investing at least 10% of his salary (including his employer's contributions). SKŁADKI
  • payroll
    • (noun) a list of the people employed by a company showing how much each one earns The company is growing fast, adding another 100 employees to its payroll over the last year. LISTA PŁAC
  • natural wastage
    • (noun) a reduction in the number of people who work for an organization, which is achieved by not replacing those who leave The company said all the jobs would be cut through natural wastage. NATURALNA REDUKCJA ZATRUDNIENIA
  • PAYE
    • (ABREV) pay as you earn: a system in the UK for collecting income tax in which a person's tax is taken off their pay and sent to the government by their employer the PAYE system POTRĄCENIE NA PODATEK DOCHODOWY
  • reimburse
    • (verb)to pay back money to someone who has spent it for you or lost it because of you The airline reimbursed me for the amount they had overcharged me. ZWRACAĆ



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In this set you're going to learn and revise vocabulary related to human resources and welfare.