Word List: home


Look at this vocabulary list again before you start revising.

  • flat
    • (noun) a set of rooms for living in that are part of a larger building and are usually all on one floor They have a house in the country and a flat in Manchester. MIESZKANIE
  • kitchen
    • (noun) a room where you keep, prepare and cook food and where you wash the dishes We usually eat breakfast in the kitchen. KUCHNIA
  • bathroom
    • (noun) a room with a bath and/or shower and often a toilet The house has four bedrooms and two bathrooms. ŁAZIENKA
  • toilet
    • (noun) a room with a toilet in it Someone's in the toilet. TOALETA
  • living room
    • (noun) the room in a house or apartment that is used for relaxing in and entertaining guests The television is usually the main point of the living room. POKÓJ GOŚCINNY
  • dining room
    • (noun) a room in which people eat meals This room has a dual purpose, serving as both a study and a dining room. POKÓJ JADALNY
  • attic
    • (noun) a space in a house just under the roof, often used for storing things PODDASZE
  • study
    • (noun) A study is a room used for reading and writing in a person’s home. GABINET
  • stairs
    • (nouns) a set of steps that lead from one level to another, esp. in a building Her office is at the top of the stairs. SCHODY
  • corridor
    • (noun) a long passage in a building, ship, or train, esp. with rooms on one or both side The bathroom is at the end of the corridor. KORYTARZ
  • hall
    • (noun) the area just inside the main entrance of a house, apartment, or other building that leads to other rooms and usually to the stairs I left my bags in the hall. HOL



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In this set you're going to learn and revise different rooms in the house.