Word List: trends and indicators


Look at this vocabulary list again before you start revising.

  • double-digit
    • (adj) relating to a number or series of numbers between 10 and 99 Double-digit inflation continues to affect the country. DWUCYFROWY
  • threefold
    • (adj) three times as big or as much a threefold increase TRZYKROTNY
  • a drop/a decrease
    • (noun) a reduction in the amount or level of something The recent drop in magazine subscriptions is causing some concern. SPADEK
  • a rise/an increase
    • (noun) a rise in the amount or size of something There were 39,000 new cases last year - an increase of six percent. WZROST
  • rocket/soar
    • (verb) to rise extremely quickly or make extremely quick progress towards success House prices in the north are rocketing (up). GWAŁTOWNIE WZROSNĄĆ
  • plummet
    • (verb) to fall very quickly and suddenly House prices have plummeted in recent months. GWAŁTOWNIE SPADAĆ
  • fluctuate
    • (verb) to change, especially continuously and between one level or thing and another Vegetable prices fluctuate according to the season. WAHAĆ SIĘ
  • peak
    • (verb) to reach the highest, strongest, or best point, value, or level of skill Official figures show that unemployment peaked in November. OSIĄGNAĆ NAJWYŻSZĄ WARTOŚĆ
  • stabilize
    • (verb) if something stabilizes it becomes able to continue in a regular and successful way without unexpected changes USTABILIZOWAĆ A package of monetary and fiscal policies aimed at stabilizing the economy.
  • steadily
    • (adv) gradually, slowly Prices have risen steadily. STALE/RÓWNO
  • rapidly
    • (adv) in a fast or sudden way Things are changing very rapidly. SZYBKO
  • slightly
    • (adv) n a small amount or degree The value has slightly decreased. W NIEWIELKIM STOPNIU
  • markedly
    • (adv) in a very obvious or noticeable way The prices dropped markedly. ZNACZĄCO



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In this set you're going to learn and revise words used to talk about different trends and indicators.