Word List: financial vocabulary


Look at this vocabulary list again before you start revising.

  • hedge fund
    • (noun) a type of investment that can make a lot of profit but involves a large risk a hedge fund manager FUNDUSZ HEDGINGOWY
  • leverage
    • (noun) the act of using borrowed money to buy an investment or a company With leverage, the investor's $100,000 buys $500,000 or more of stock if he wants. DŹWIGNIA FINANSOWA
  • tycoon
    • (noun) a person who has succeeded in business or industry and has become very rich and powerful a business/property/shipping tycoon POTENTAT
  • volatility
    • (noun) the quality or state of being likely to change suddenly, especially by becoming worse Extreme market volatility would prove disastrous for producers and consumers alike ZMIENNOSĆ
  • wager
    • (noun) an amount of money that you risk in the hope of winning more, by trying to guess something uncertain, or the agreement that you make to take this risk She put a cash wager of £50 on the race. ZAKŁAD
  • mutual fund
    • (noun) a service where financial experts invest the money of many people in many different companies FUNDUSZ WSPÓLNEGO INWESTOWANIA
  • margin call
    • (noun) a demand to increase the amount of money or assets in a margin account because it has fallen below the lowest amount allowed WEZWANIE DO UZUPEŁNIENIA DEPOZYTU ZABEZPIECZAJĄCEGO
  • growth stock
    • (noun) stock of a corporation that has had faster than average gains in earnings and is expected to continue to The average large-company growth stock is down more than 15% on last year. AKCJE WZROSTOWE
  • bond
    • (noun) an official paper given by the government or a company to show that you have lent them money that they will pay back to you at a particular interest rate I invested some money in savings bonds. OBLIGACJA
  • arbitrage
    • (noun) the practice of buying something, such as shares or currency, in one place and selling them in another where you can get a higher price at the same time The importance of computers is that arbitrage opportunities can be quickly capitalized ARBITRAŻ



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In this set you're going to learn and revise vocabulary relating to financial services and money